Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pain vs Suffering

  "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." I have this quote on my refrigerator. I watch the world around me, and I am amazed at what we do to ourselves and to others. The First Noble Truth of Buddhism is "Life is suffering." We inflict pain on ourselves and on others without having any idea what we are doing and why. One comment I make frequently, especially while watching the news, is that 99% of our problems in the world are caused by ego, emotions, and appetites. If we could control those three elements, the world would be transformed. Unfortunately, we cling to the very aspects of ourselves that cause our own suffering. Our relationships suffer because we can't get outside of our own greedy little selves to consider that other person sitting in front of us. We stuff our faces with food because we somehow feel that if we eat more, we will feel better. And of course, the opposite happens. It's like the Thanksgiving meal everyday--we eat until we are miserable. We drink alcohol, take drugs, or engage in other mindless, destructive behaviors that don't remove the suffering--they add to it.
  So how do we break the cycle, how do we escape the wheel of suffering? I used to tell my students "The best things in life are free. The only thing you have to pay is attention." Being mindful of the moment, of enjoying the "now" will change how we view the world. If we live aware, fully in the moment, we can control the triple-headed demon of ego, appetite and emotion. Instead of clinging to our shackles of suffering, we can remove them and live free and happy. We can be fully aware of ourselves and others. Our world won't change: we will just be aware of it as it is. And that will change us.
  So much for my first blog entry.


  1. This is so true! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I wish we could ease our suffering and the suffering of other with just a pill or a word but the only way is through living the pain and learning from it. I loved hearing you in school as my homeroom teacher and lit. teacher. I learned more life lesson from listening to you than any other are teacher. I only hope my daughter get a teacher that can touch her life the same way.
